Bianca Lopez

Bianca Lopez

Bianca became an advocate in September and was assigned to her first case, with a six-year-old boy in November. The child is placed with a family member and four other siblings and exhibits a lot of attention-getting behaviors.

Bianca has been very instrumental in helping him receive the services he needs. She has worked out a schedule to help his caregiver get him to therapy appointments, she spends time with him at school and works with the staff to help him lessen behaviors, and she’s gained the trust of the caregiver, who was very hesitant about working with CASA.

Bianca stated, “At first I wasn’t sure if I was making a difference in the child’s life, but now having consistent visitations with him and seeing him smile when he sees me lights up my heart and truly makes me understand how important it is to have someone giving you the attention and kindness needed even when life may not be perfect.

“Bianca and her CASA child enjoy listening to music when they travel to and from appointments. His favorite song to listen to with his CASA is “No Se Va”. I hope their bond never goes away.

Thank you, Bianca, for being that constant person in this child’s life.

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