Beatriz Mota

Beatriz Mota

Beatriz graduated from our Summer 2022 training class and was matched to work with a teenager. Unfortunately, the teen had run away from their placement and the previous supervisor resigned from CASA. Cases from the that supervisor transferred over to me, and Beatriz was a new advocate awaiting a case. I recently had an advocate who had just retired from a long-term case. The CASA was the only Advocate this child had ever had, and he was hoping we could match the youth as soon as possible (which is easier said than done). The social worker also contacted me, hoping that I could get the youth assigned right away.

I contacted Beatriz and asked if she was interested in reading a casefile. I informed her, from the beginning, that the youth, a teen boy of large stature, could be a bit standoffish with women. However, she came in the very next day to read and subsequently accepted the case. On our first home visit, the youth was not very talkative and quickly left the room when introduced. However, this did not discourage Beatriz. She showed up every week and if there was a conflict in his placement, she would call and talk to him. The youth recently had an abrupt placement change and Beatriz was right there for him. She was sure to meet with the caregiver and discuss rules and regulations. She asked her CASA youth his thoughts on the new placement, and he stated to her, “I’m finally a normal foster kid”.

I appreciate how Beatriz spends time working with the youth, following his lead, explaining things to him on his level, and allowing him just to be himself. I have seen this young man growing to be a gentleman to his CASA and learn how to show more respect to others, especially women. In the words of the CASA, “Even though he has his moments, he can be a really easygoing kid.” As I watched the interaction between Beatriz and her CASA teen at a recent event, I could not help but smile.

  • Advocate Supervisor, Myetta Beavers
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